SHAP Values In Support of Forecasting
- by InpherMost companies have large amounts of valuable data about their clients, products, and processes from which they are not fully benefiting. Machine learning (ML) can help to make sense of this data, finding and learning from patterns in order to uncover insights…
InpherThe Rise of Financial Fraud in the Digital Era and the Role of Explainable AI
- by InpherIn recent years, financial fraud has exploded, as companies and consumers increasingly use online services. A recent PwC survey found that 51% of surveyed organizations reported experiencing fraud in the past two years, the highest in PwC’s 20 years of research. Common…
InpherPrivacy-Preserving Model Explainability: What It Is & How Data Influences A Model
- by InpherToday, AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms are growing ever more powerful. While their uses and applications are seemingly unlimited, they can have a significant impact in specific industries such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. ML algorithms create representations of the world…