RAG for Advancing AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM)

RAG for Advancing AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM)


In the first two posts in our series on privacy-enabled retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for enterprise generative AI, we discussed what RAG is and how it works, as well as its benefits and real-world applications. We also addressed the crucial issue of data privacy and how confidential computing can secure RAG systems. In this third and last post, we’ll explore the concept of AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM) and how it applies to privacy-enabled RAG.

What Is AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM)?

As enterprise use of generative AI has grown rapidly, security remains an area of great concern. In the U.S. alone the number of reported data breaches rose to a record-breaking 3,205 in 2023, up 78% from 2022. Global trends are similar. AI is here to stay, data is still the new oil and privacy is a critical factor in ensuring you’re playing by the rules, even though those rules do not really exist. Uniformly, that is. This May, researchers of the College of Letters and Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison delivered a great piece, “A New Privacy Threat: Protecting Personal Data in the World of Artificial Intelligence”, where they dug into the impact of AI and private data, or more importantly the ethical use of data and protecting against those who may misuse it.  

In this new world of AI, privacy is synonymous with security, and it is not enough to assume that if you have a chief data, compliance or privacy officer on board, you’ve addressed the issue. In order to address the security and customer trust issue, enterprises must comply with evolving regulations and standards that are yet to be set.

To improve their security posture, enterprises are increasingly looking to AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM). For some who were quick to get to market with an offering, AI-SPM is a platform that can be leveraged to achieve your AI Security Posture Management goal. Just ask Palo Alto, Wiz.io, just to name a few. AI-SPM is an integral way of operating in a world of enterprise AI and is a comprehensive approach to maintaining the security and integrity of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems. It involves continuous monitoring, assessment, and improvement of the security posture of AI models, data, and infrastructure.

As a holistic strategy for safeguarding the security and integrity of AI and machine learning (ML) systems, AI-SPM involves ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and enhancement of the security measures surrounding AI models, data, and infrastructure. AI-SPM focuses on identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with AI deployment while ensuring compliance with relevant privacy and security regulations.

Implementing AI-SPM allows organizations to proactively defend their AI systems against threats, minimize data exposure, and uphold the reliability and trustworthiness of their AI applications.

Elements of AI-SPM

  • Visibility: AI-SPM involves visibility into the complete AI model lifecycle, from data ingestion and training to deployment and monitoring. An AI bill of materials (BOM), including data and AI artifacts as well as application components, can help organizations identify vulnerabilities and protect against AI-specific threats​.

  • Data Governance: In order to comply with regulations and maintain customer trust, organizations must protect sensitive data like PII and access keys. AI-SPM inspects data sources to identify sensitive information. Integrating AI-SPM with Confidential Computing can help ensure that identified assets are secured to the highest standard. Confidential Computing is a security framework designed to protect sensitive data during processing within applications, servers, or cloud environments.

  • Risk Management: Organizations use AI-SPM to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in the AI supply chain. By exploring and remediating security risks and making use of built-in recommendations, organizations can prevent potential breaches and ensure the secure operation of AI systems.

  • Mitigation and Response: Continuous monitoring by AI-SPM systems means organizations can quickly detect issues, such as unsafe third-party access keys or abnormal activity involving the models. When security incidents or policy violations occur, the visibility provided by AI-SPM enables rapid responses.

  • Compliance: AI-SPM aids in complying with evolving data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, as well as newer AI regulations and standards including the EU AI Act and NIST AI RMF. This is crucial for organizations handling sensitive information.

  • Integration with MLOps: As we discussed in a previous blog post, MLOps is a comprehensive framework designed to optimize the full lifecycle of ML and AI in an organization. Within MLOps, AI-SPM can address the unique security challenges of advanced AI systems, including data and model security and regulatory compliance. 

Integrating AI-SPM with RAG Systems

Integrating AI-SPM with RAG systems provides an added layer of security by continuously evaluating and mitigating risks associated with AI deployments. For instance, AI-SPM can identify potential vulnerabilities in the RAG system’s retrieval and generation processes, ensuring that sensitive data is protected against emerging threats. By employing AI-SPM, organizations can maintain a robust security posture, enhancing trust in their AI solutions.

Benefits of AI-SPM with RAG

  • Proactive Threat Detection: AI-SPM enables proactive identification of potential threats, allowing organizations to address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

  • Enhanced Compliance: Continuous monitoring and assessment ensure that AI systems remain compliant with evolving regulatory standards.

  • Operational Resilience: By managing security risks effectively, AI-SPM enhances the operational resilience of AI systems, ensuring they remain reliable and secure.


Nikesh Arora, Chairman and CEO at Palo Alto Networks, stated it best in the #382 issue of What’s Hot In Enterprise IT/VC, “There is no AI at scale in the enterprise without AI security.” Security starts with responsibility and although we can all probably agree that RAG, AI-SPM can all act independent of each other when implementing an enterprise-ready AI initiative, they are all crucial to responsibility. It is an organization’s responsibility to limit access to sensitive data, to enable access to only meaningful data and to control access to those with authority of the data. 

The integration of RAG and AI-SPM can represent a pivotal advancement in how the enterprise can effectively use generative AI. The combination of RAG, AI-SPM, or AI on a whole for that matter is all connected to how to use AI ethically, responsibly, and the utmost efficiency.  This strategic thinking and rollout of AI will not only enhance the complementary facets and precision of AI systems. but also ensures robust data privacy, regulatory compliance, and security. As more enterprises adopt these technologies, we can expect a wave of innovation and improved operational efficiencies across various industries.

For more detailed insights and to explore how Inpher’s SecurAI can transform your enterprise AI strategy, click here.