
_ultra Encrypted Query Module launched on Temenos Marketplace
Real-time encrypted search is the ultimate defense against prying eyes and a reassuring tool for banking security experts. Inpher have provided an enterprise-grade...

Swiss Fintech Corner at Sibos
Inpher's CEO was interviewed as a selected startup at Sibos...

Extracting Value for Corporate Banks from Blockchain
"Jordan Brandt from Inpher highlighted that the privacy issue is tightly coupled, though not synonymous, with trust. Jordan added that ‘now we have very standard...

24 FinTech Start-ups Featured at Largest Financial Event
Twenty-four Swiss FinTech start-ups will present their innovative solutions to the global financial community next week at the “Swiss FinTech Corner” at the Sibos...

Analytique et chiffrement au menu du Digital Circle
Dimitar Jetchev, CTO d’inpher.io, une jeune pousse basée entre San Francisco et...

Inpher Launches with $1m Financing Round
Inpher has launched a software development kit that encrypts data at its inception, while supporting search and basic analytical functions without decryption. Industry...